Elsevier: Schleip: Fascia: The Tensional Network of the Human Body - Video Contributors

Video Contributors

Leon Chaitow ND, DO (UK) Registered Osteopath and Naturopath; Honorary Fellow and Former Senior Lecturer, School of Life Sciences, University of Westminster, London, UK; Fellow, British Naturopathic Association; Fellow, College of Osteopaths, UK
Thomas W Findley MD, P hD Center for Healthcare Knowledge Management, VA New Jersey Healthcare System, New Jersey, USA; Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UMDNJ-New Jersey Medical School, Newark NJ; Executive Director, Ida P Rolf Research Foundation, Boulder CO, USA
Willem J Fourie PT Private practitioner, Johannesburg, South Africa
Christopher Frederick PT, CMFS, PSI Physical Therapist; Professional Structural Integrationist; Director of Sports and Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Stretch to Win Center, Tempe, AZ, USA
Warren I Hammer DC, MS, DABCO Doctor of Chiropractic, Norwalk, CT, USA
Yasuo Kawakami PhD Professor, Faculty of Sport Sciences, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
Thomas Myers LMT, NCTMB, ARP, Certified Rolfer Practitioner and Lecturer; Director, Kinesis Incorporated, ME, USA
Andrzej Pilat PT Director Myofascial Therapy School "Tupimek", Madrid, Spain; Postgraduate Program Physiotherapy School ONCE, Universiad Auto´ noma, Madrid, Spain
Robert Schleip PhD, MA Director Fascia Research Project, Ulm University Germany; Research Director European Rolfing Association; Director Deutche Gesellschaft fur Myofascial Release; Registered Naturopath, Certified Rolfing & Feldenkrais Teacher
Antonio Stecco MD Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation specialist, University of Padova, Padua, Italy